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👉Do you get overwhelmed by your responsibilities in your calling? 👉Do you wish you could have more time for the "fun stuff" that...
5 reasons to use the church's general conference notebook
lds halloween quote #1 - never let fear decide your future
The gospel doctrine I decided to pull from Halloween was all about fear. Just think about it - Fright Fest, Haunted Houses, scary peeps, horror movies, I mean somehow, there are people who actually love that fear in their system.
Haha, nope, I think I fall into the other category of those who just struggle with fear and anxiety as a part of life. I'm super creative and imaginative, but that can easily fall into catastrophizing when trouble is near.
Whether you avoid fear like the plague or actively go and seek it, this theme of quotes all about fear is for you. The first in the series is from James E. Faust. He says, "Never take counsel from your fears."
Who is that ... ew, creature... that always whispers to you "you're not good enough," and "you need to look out" and "danger is behind every corner" and idk all these lies?
Maybe Satan? And just a good idea in life is NOT to listen or make decisions based on him.
Our Savior, Father, and the Spirit on the other hand are the opposite in Their love and actions, and we can really go to prayer and ask them about what we need to do in things.
As the Bible says, "I was not given the spirit of fear." Fear is just not of Him. Period. As we really know the gospel, we'll see it's the gospel of hope, peace, joy, and love.
Well, I'm super ready to go put up my Halloween decorations and smell that pumpkin spice in the air. Ughhhhh omigosh I love this time of the year, and with Thanksgiving and Christmas on the way, there's good things to come.
If you have a sec, go check out and follow my Printspiration board on Pinterest. It's chock full of other Latter Day Saint quotes like this.
Enjoy your weekend!
one prayer at a time
kneel, stand, do
new come follow me agenda in 2021
💁🏻♀️I’m so excited to share these updated 2021 Sunday meeting agendas to help your Young Women’s meetings go more smoothly. I’ll show you each version/what it’s great for & my favorite time saving method for using a conducting agenda weekly.
The Colorful Version 🎨
Floral & feminine, this version is colorful and inviting for those conducting the meeting. Print this once & use it again and again. 🤩
Less Colorful Version 🏵
This edition still has the colors for aesthetic, but it’s on a clean white background to minimize ink. If you’re a minimalist, you may prefer this edition! 😌
Black + White Version 🔲
If you’re going to make multiple copies of this at the church, this is the version for you. Printer & copier friendly! 📠
How To Use The Conducting Agenda
The Whiteboard Method
I learned from Destination Decoration 🤩 that glass frames can be used as whiteboards and have seriously never looked back!! It's an inexpensive, effective and time saving tip.
Insert your favorite agenda into an 8x10 frame, and buy/bring a dry erase marker with an eraser cap like this one. Then weekly use + write questions.
Ready to get conducting? ☑️ The Sunday agenda links are coming up soon. 👉Before you download & dash, I want to make sure you know that this is NOT the only resource I have to make your life easier as a busy Latter-Day Saint.💛To easily see & have all my free Latter-Day Saint resources at your fingertips, follow me on Pinterest! 📌Now here's the promised PDF in English & Español. Happy reminding!
new product in the come follow me lineup!!
when you're given more than you can stand, kneel
2020 youth theme roundup post
If you enjoy all of these free resources, please know there are dozens more to make your life easier as a busy Latter-Day Saint. To see & have all my free resources at your fingertips, follow me on Pinterest!
7&6. the aesthetic go and do theme
This one was a lil bit of a toughie to design! I liked a certain thing, I had feedback to change other design elements, so I ended up including the original and the refined design for you to enjoy.
5. the minimalist's design

I really like how simple and clean this design became. It's especially good for those wanting the full 1 Nephi 3:7 on the printable. And I made it with a gender-neutral design, this could possibly be used put on display near where people hold mutual.
4. the shoes design

I felt so professional putting on my Converse, trying a bunch of different poses for the shoes, and then rendering them digitally on my computer. I mean, it's the thought -- and effort -- that counts in this design.
3. the hot air balloon design

I just love this color palette and the lettering on this hot air balloon. Stunning, I know. Lol, I just really am proud of how this one turned out.
2. the traffic light design

This one has been so popular! I mean, Latter-Day Saints love their traffic light baptism devotionals, so it only makes sense that they would like the related printable, right?
1. the woman. the myth. the legend... ROSIE THE RIVETER

This design is THE OG, the first 2020 print released, and I just love how it represents the Church's women. We are not afraid to roll up our sleeves, and get to WORK.
You May Also Like: 2021 Theme Resources
i promise this is the final 2020 theme post
There are actually two designs, so print whichever you prefer here, and this is it for the 2020 mini poster posts! I hope these help you with your callings & implementing the theme!