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👉Do you get overwhelmed by your responsibilities in your calling? 👉Do you wish you could have more time for the "fun stuff" that...

halloween ministering handout/gift for young women

I will openly admit that I was banging my head against a wall on this one.

Omigosh!! I'm so excited it finally came together, but for days, I was just like "how in the WORLD am I supposed to make all this work?"

There isn't really anything spiritual to pull from Halloween, so you have to just start coming up with ideas that are related, even if they're a stretch, and I had nothing.

And then one day the inspiration came.

I stopped thinking about the holiday of Halloween, all like "how am I supposed to do this..." and just started thinking about elements of it and how to tie it back to the gospel.

And here we are.

Let's be honest, a huge part of Halloween is the receiving of candy! Maybe that's why it's so big here in the U.S. So much to commercialize on 😂

This adorable printable has candy, and says "sweet is the work." Adorable, right? You can put any candy with it that you see fit. 

As to how to give it out, this would be perfect for Activity Day girls, Young Women, or Relief Society sisters, along with some Halloween candy possibly. It's a 5 x 7 handout, which you can staple to the bag you're using or just give out.

 I want to clarify, this is not for the women to give to their ministering sisters!! It is a cute Halloween gift idea that you can give to the women/yw/girls to REMIND them to minister, and they don't have to have an assignment! 😂It just says the word minister in the darling little quote, but obviously, anyone can show Christlike love and service to anyone.

You can get this free Halloween YWs/AD/RS gift printable here, and just a reminder that if you love it, be sure to Pin the image above. Just hover your mouse over it or click on it on mobile for the handy Pin button to appear. Conversely, please do not claim it as your own, Pin/link to the PDF file, sell it, modify it, all that not-so-nice stuff. 😉 

Ok!!! I know I'm posting a lot of Halloween stuff at once, but I am so in the mood (decorated for Halloween today!!) and I realized I had gotten so behind on posting stuff for the holidays. Like, ofc no one is going to want my weird back to school stuff in late September.

Please follow my account on Pinterest! I've rounded up lots of awesome LDS ideas over there for y'all.


  1. This is the cutest handout! Do you happen to have a version without the Halloween message in the middle? I would love to give this to the YW as a reminder to minister, but it's now a different season :)

    -Catherine Olsen

    1. Ooh, that's a cute idea! I'll let you know if I do that. :) Fn, you could cross it out with the season now? Thank you and for all you do to serve and minister to the YW!
