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Knowledge Picture Quote Series


Yours Truly,
Molly Mormon

Leader Personal Progress

I've shared trackers, printouts, worksheets, and everything. But what about resources for the Leaders?

According to lds.org, 

"Leaders may earn the Young Womanhood Recognition after they:
- serve as a leader for at least one year
- complete the required value experiences in each of the eight values
- complete three value projects, including the project for virtue."
And now this is where some people disagree. For the projects, is it 2 value projects + virtue = 3 value projects, or is it 3 value projects + virtue = 3 value projects. I totally agree that what they say is super vague, but I interpret it as 2 value projects + virtue, since they say "including the project for virtue" not "three value projects and the project for virtue." But if you disagree, that's fine because it is pretty vague what they say.
First, we'll equip you with a Leader Personal Progress tracker.
You can get the tracker here.
Next, we'll give you a Leader Personal Progress binder. I have Project Pages for each value, however, you only have to do two projects (besides Virtue) so you can cross out all the other Project Pages you don't need.
After you've printed out those papers, I have a special little graphic for you below. Essentially, if you don't have motivation, it is your motivation to do Leader Personal Progress. If you do, it probably sums up your motivation to do Leader Personal Progress. You can print it out and hang it in a place you can see it, or, save the image as your wallpaper. And it is below:
Just think about the power of that quote! As leaders, you have the power to change the young women's lives. And you have the power to set an example of Personal Progress. I encourage you not to just nag your YW to do it, do it yourself! My amazing mom is a great example of this as she, a leader, is working on doing her Personal Progress while I try and finish mine. Thank you leaders, for you all you do, and good luck as you hopefully begin Leader Personal Progress!

Yours Truly,
Molly Mormon

P.S. Be sure to Pin the above images if you are too busy to begin the program now, but want to Pin it for later! 

Peace in Christ Mutual Conducting Outlines + Spiritual Thought Jar

today we're bringing to you some Mutual Conducting outlines. 

I gave them a Peace In Christ theme, so it's good for the rest of '18. I really am sorry that I didn't release these at the beginning of the year, like it would actually make sense to do. But in January 2018, I was hardly a graphic designer. I used Google Docs and Drawings! (I know, embarassing, right?) I just kind of typed things up. I never would have been able to design such things in the early days of the blog! Next January, of course, I will release items for the New Year around New Year's. But enough talking. Let's get onto the mutual outlines. 

If you've read my Sunday conducting  post, it should be pretty similar to conducting mutual. Except for that the YM are involved... :( 

The outline includes exactly what to say and do, making things a little bit easier for the girls, however. If you want, you can even have a good supply and let the YM use them! Or just be sneaky and keep them to yourselves... hehe... You can also print them out and put them in a folder, write each YW's name on them, and give them out and have YW conduct until all of the papers are gone. For example, if Mia Maids are conducting in May, you can write all of the Mia Maids' names on conducting sheets. Each week in May, hand a sheet out to a Mia Maid. Once they've conducted, they're good. If you have more than 4-5 Mia Maids (such a prospect is shocking to a East Coast Mormon) you can keep on having people conduct the next month you are in charge.

So there are the Mutual Conducting outlines, but that's not all. Also incuded are Spiritual Thought Jar printouts. I don't know how things go in your wards, but where I live, nobody ever wants to give one. Half of the YM can barely spell "spiritual thought," much less be willing to give one when asked. Hopefully, the Spiritual Thought Jar helps. In it are scriptures and General Conference quotes relating to Peace in Christ. The person giving the Spiritual Thought can draw one, read the thought, and expand on it a little through personal experience. 

Enough talk. Now I get to show you all the conducting outline! Now, just a reminder that I did not put my standard footer on the paper. Please, give credit where credit is due. Do not steal images and say they are your own. If you want to share these outlines, that's great! Just please link to this post right here, and not the direct file. Following the rules keeps these products free! 
You can get the free conducting outline here

Now onto the Spiritual Thought Jar!

Below is the Peace in Christ Logo. You can save the image, print it, and Mod Podge it onto the front of a mason jar.
Once your jar is set up, move on to the printing and cutting. I find this works best using a papercutter. Fold each strip of paper in half and the jar will be full by no time. I've done jars with paper in them before, and two pages will probably fill it. You can fill the jar with two pages, set aside those after they've been used, do the next two pages, and then put the other pages back in circulation.

You can get the printouts here.

Good luck!
Yours Truly,
Molly Mormon

Similar Personal Progress Experiences

As of around June, we now officially all have 1.5 years left to finish Personal Progress. Yup. That's right. But no need to go into panic mode! Save time by doing similar Personal Progress experiences all at once.

Yes, if there was a lot of time left, we could do those long experiences by themselves. But as we buckle down and try to see what we can do in the year and a half ahead, we don't have as much of a choice.

Below are all of the similar Personal Progress experiences.

There are definitely more out there, I just gathered the top that were the most eerily similar and took the most amount of time. Hopefully as you all try to earn your medallions, the saved time helps!

Yours Truly,
Molly Mormon 

Personal Progress Check-In

I really believe that the core of achieving Personal Progress is setting goals, and checking in on them regularly. It's a good life skill, but helps in Personal Progress as well.

If you've seen some of my posts, this is what they encourage: a Personal Progress check-in. I've talked about these for a while, but now they're easier than ever to complete with this free printable prescription pad.

I suggest holding a Personal Progress activity at the beginning of each month. I don't know if there is any official about this, but that is what my ward generally does. You can work on a nice easy experience, and then once you're done, do Personal Progress check-ins. At the beginning of the month, the young women can plan out what they're gong to do that month and, hopefully, do it! Having consistent check-ins will make them more likely to do so!
The Personal Progress program is slowly ending as we get closer and closer to the 2020 deadline, making the need for check-ins even more urgent! Hopefully yours go well!

Yours Truly,
Molly Mormon

Personal Progress Subjects

When you're planning when to do Personal Progress, wouldn't it be nice to be able to look at a quick summary of the experience? Look no further.


1 - Learn about faith. Say your morning and evening prayers for three weeks.

2 - Discuss qualities needed for motherhood and read about the mothers of the stripling warriors.

3 - Read about faith. Choose a faith topic and give a FHE Lesson about it.

4 - Learn about the sacrament. Practice pondering the sacrament for three weeks.

5 - Learn about the Atonement and share your testimony of it.

6 - Learn about the Plan of Salvation and draw a model of the plan. Share it.

7 - Learn about tithing and pay it for three months while looking for blessings.

Divine Nature

1 - Learn about divine qualities and think about how you can develop them.

2 - Learn about womanhood and motherhood. Develop a mothering quality for two weeks.

3 - Make your home life better by being kind to a specific family member for two weeks.

4 - Memorize the sacrament prayers and listen to them, doing a divine quality everyday for two weeks.

5 - Be obedient to your parents for two weeks.

6 - Develop your divine qualities by making one part of your life for two weeks.

7 - Be a peacemaker for two weeks.

Individual Worth

1 - Learn about how Heavenly Father knows you, loves you, and is mindful of you.

2 - Learn about patriarchal blessings and prepare to receive one.

3 - Do all you can to build others and make them feel of worth for two weeks.

4 - Think about your life dreams and goals and record them in your journal.

5 - Participate in a dance, speech, music, or drama performance at school, and record about it in your journal.

6 - Learn more about your family history.

7 - List your spiritual gifts and have family and friends do the same.


1 - Learn about the importance of gaining knowledge.

2 - List some of your talents and learn a new skill.

3 - Assess a performance using the thirteenth article of faith.

4 - Learn about a gospel principle and prepare a five-minute talk on the subject.

5 - Learn about a career and take notes on it.

6 - Learn to memorize and conduct hymns.

7 - Apply knowledge you have learned in Girls Camp.

Choice and Accountability

1 - Learn about making good decisions and have regular prayer and scripture study for three weeks.

2 - Read FTSOY and journal about each topic. Live by standards for three weeks.

3 - Learn about agency and journal about it.

4 - Learn about repentance and journal about it.

5 - Learn about the Holy Ghost and journal about it.

6 - Study the YW Theme and journal about it.

7 - Live with a budget for three months and journal about it.

Good Works

1 - Learn about service and record acts of quiet service for two weeks.

2 - Prepare your family's meals for two weeks.

3 - Learn and journal about bearing each others' burdens.

4 - Learn about service and give an FHE on the topic.

5 - Serve a specific person for a month.

6 - Spend three hours giving service outside of your family.

7 - Invite a friend to church.


1 - Read FTSOY and live by standards for a month.

2 - Take an Integrity self assessment.

3 - Learn about examples of Integrity in the scriptures.

4 - Learn about integrity with an integrity interview.

5 - Learn about standing as a witness and practice a specific Integrity quality for three weeks.

6 - Fast correctly.

7 - Learn about and display the problems that weaken the family. Write a family plan for the present and future.


1 - Learn about the promised blessings of keeping the law of chastity.

2 - Learn about how virtuous living and the Holy Ghost are related.

3 - Take a temple worthiness self assessment.

4 - Learn and journal about repentance.

Hopefully this helps in your PP goal setting and planning!

Yours Truly,
Molly Mormon

Ways To Reward Your Young Women For Doing Personal Progress

If your ward has done the PP Summer Kickoff activity, keep the PP going with four fun ways to reward the Young Women for what they have done so far and help them keep going. And even if you've just found the site, have fun with these printables and ideas!

I know that opinions really vary about how to reward the Young Women. You want things to be fun, but you also may want to consider their motivations for doing things. But this post is the place for any leader with any opinion! Hopefully I've covered your stances with many fun activities.

A Quantitive Food Reward

Everyone loves food, right? Why not host a fun Personal Progress ice cream party?

For some people, food is the best motivation. Print out the invites here, which have the image you see above on one side and a way to track their progress on the other. Choose a few rewards for just showing up - caramel sauce, chocolate chips, etc. Once everyone's served themselves, let them eat and socialize as you pull aside the YW and figure out how their Personal Progress is going this summer. It's a great time to update tracking charts and set new goals! At the ice cream party, you can play "Sweet is the Work!" ;)

Now, here it comes. If you have YW with allergies, it just might not be worth it. From accidentally causing reactions (you guys, marshmallow fluff has eggs in it. I did not know this when preparing food for someone and found out the really, really hard way) to hurt feelings, I strongly suggest holding a non-food activity. (Which is right below this section!) If you're feeling kind of iffy about it, read this article.   It may completely change your mind. Also, if you have a lot of YW, it can get a little expensive. If you don't feel like this activity is the best for your ward, move on to the next option!

A Quantitive Non-Food Reward

Have fun in the sun with a nice YW Pool party! No food has to be involved, or in the reward.

Print out the ticket above.  Find an outdoor space - local park, church parking lot, etc.

If you want to and can involve food, great! But if you don't want or need to, great! Hopefully this is a good non-food counterpart. First, fill up the water balloons. I've gotta say, these water balloons are a time saver and life changer. But if you're one of those YW leaders who enjoys making your YW suffer and go through the painful process of filling up water balloons, go ahead and get the cheap dollar store ones.  Cough. (Just putting this out there, I am a YW and filling up 200 water balloons at Girls Camp just to clean them up is not fun.) Anyways, let the girls through the water balloons they have earned, which will likely end in a big water balloon fight. Clean up, meet with the YW to discuss their Personal Progress, and boom. You have a fun food-free activity! I like how cheap this activity is. You just need a big space outdoors, and you're good to go. 

But wait a minute... my goal this summer was to finish Personal Progress. When I started, I only had around 5-6 things left to do before I could finish. (Right now I have 3!) So I could get 5-6 max, when it's not even my fault. And I'll put it out there that I am not a 12 year old Beehive. But if I was and just joined a week before the activity, how many could I get? Probably not a lot. So maybe another, quantitive reward?

A Qualitative Reward

To make things totally fair, try a qualitative reward. Print the invite out here.

Before the activity, have everyone set a PP goal. Do it with one YW and one (or two if your ward has enough leaders) leader(s) so they'll be more likely to choose realistic and difficult but achievable goals for the time frame in between the PP movie night and then. If they complete their goal (and have a parent or leader signature) they've landed themselves an invitation to the movie party! Below I have some fun Mormon Movie ideas. I have seen them all and given them a real YW's stamp of approval!! 

But if you have another movie idea that you're sure is fun and appropriate, go for it! Cough, cough, Disney. Or The Greatest Showman...

So, there you go. But "you're not invited" can get a little mean. Below is an activity where everyone's invited.

A Fun Summer PP Activity 

There's always time for s'more Personal Progress!

Hand out the above invitations, and like the invite says, enjoy s'mores while checking in on the girls' PP goals for the summer! And everyone is invited.
Now, you can modify any of the above activities. At the PP Movie Party, you could give someone a movie choice vote per PP experience. Or you could turn the water balloon activity into a Pool Party and BBQ. And if you want, do all four activities during the summer. The possibilities are endless! Don't be afraid to modify activities to fit your wards' needs. 

Yours Truly,
Molly Mormon

Divine Nature Picture Quote Series

I'm going to be releasing a series on YW Bulletin Boards soon, but in preparation for that, I'm going to share some of value picture quotes as inspiration and Pins. They're fun to design by hand or with graphic design, and can be helpful on a YW Bulletin Board.What divine nature picture quotes will you design?

Yours Truly,
Molly Mormon

Come Follow Me: Why Are Ordinances Important In My Life? | Family Home Evening Lesson: Ordinances

It's been forever since I've done a Come Follow Me Lesson Help, and I'm so excited to share my ideas. I (very) recently taught a FHE lesson on ordinances based on what I had learned from a lesson on ordinances at church. So I realized this could double as a FHE lesson and Come Follow Me help. So here we are now. The two are similar, the FHE lesson is just a bit more condensed. Enjoy!

Come Follow Me Lesson Help: Why Are Ordinances Important In My Life?

1. Introduce the Topic


Print out the ordinance cards available here and cut them out. Also print out the definition card.  


Ask the girls to define the word "ordinance." Most likely, the group will come to the conclusion that they know what an ordinance is but they can't fully define it. Take this definition, taken straight from True to the Faith, and hang it up on the center of the chalkboard. Next, ask the girls to name as many ordinances as they can. If you want, play it like Concentration. (I apologize if not every ordinance is on the ordinance cards... I couldn't find an official list of ordinances so I had to go off of memory.) Each girl says an ordinance. The ordinance cannot be repeated. Once a girl runs out of ideas, they're out. Give the last girl standing a treat (seen below.) As a girl says an ordinance, if it's correct, hang up the corresponding card. 

2. Learn and Grow

You should have printed out the cards for the above activity. This activity will incorporate them. You can also bring paper clips or headbands if you like.


You'll do three activities to really help the girls get to know the ordinance cards a little better. The first one is a Salvation Sort. Lol, I love that name! Alliteration! Have the girls sort out the saving ordinances to one side of the board, and sort the other ordinances to the other side of the board. Explain the differences between the two and move on. Next, play Headbands with the cards. Bring paperclips, headbands, tape, or just have the girls hold them up on their head. Each girl can ask a question about their ordinance until they narrow things down. "Is mine a saving ordinance?" "Do you have to be male to do mine?" Finally, do a timeline activity. Basically, have the girls sort the cards by when they would occur, while explaining what's happening. You can have one YW put up a card, and continue on with the story. This a basic idea of how things should turn out, it can be a little subjective: "Lacy was born, then adopted. She had to be SEALED TO HER PARENTS. Once the family was sealed, they gave Lacy a BABY BLESSING. When Lacy was six, she got the flu. Her dad gave her a HEALING BLESSING. One Lacy was eight, she chose to get BAPTIZED, and then CONFIRMATION CAME WITH IT. Lacy kept on choosing the right, and once she turned twelve, she went to the temple and did baptisms BY PROXY. Each week Lacy went to church and took THE SACRAMENT. After a while, Lacy decided she was ready for a PATRIARCHAL BLESSING. It told her about who she should marry, and soon enough, she was ENDOWED and SEALED TO HER HUSBAND in the temple. She and her husband soon had a baby boy, who grew up. When he was twelve, he got ORDAINED to the Aaronic Priesthood. The boy got older, and was having anxiety about going on a mission. Lacy's husband took out his handy-dandy CONSECRATED OIL and gave him a father's blessing. The son was able to overcome his anxiety and went on to his mission. When he got home he got called as a Sunday School teacher and got SET APART into the calling." 

3. But Why?

A paper and pencil for each girl. 


Now hand each of the YW a card, and paper. If somehow you have more than 14... I guess in Utah it happens... lol, jk... have the girls partner up. Next give each of the girls paper and a pen. Ask them to look at church talks, True to the Faith, and other resources to find information on why this ordinance is important in their lives. You might want to take some cards out (like ordination and priesthood related things) but overall it shouldn't be too difficult. 

If you still have time after this, select an activity from the Come Follow Me lesson outline.

Once the lesson is over, hand out the treat.

4. Lesson Treat

I thought it was kinda cool that "Ordinance" and "Oreo" begin with the same two letters. So that's what I stuck with. I made some treat tags that you can staple onto Ziploc baggies. Then just stick Oreos inside. Have no Oreos? Have no fear. I came up with the idea on the whim and decided to make my own. Basically, prep rolled sugar cookie dough. Next, dye it black. Cut it into circles and bake it as directed. While the dough is in the oven, make a small batch of buttercream frosting. Once the cookies are cooled, pipe on the frosting, and stack on the other cookie. Those will end up more like whoopie pies, but it's the thought that counts, right? The girls will be grateful they have a treat! 

Family Night: Ordinances

Opening Song: The Fourth Article of Faith

Say an opening prayer!

Lesson: Print out these ordinance cards and share the ordinance definition. Lay out all of the ordinance cards and explain each one of them briefly to the audience.

Activity: Play games with the cards. First, play Taboo with the cards. People are not allowed to say priesthood, ordinance, covenant, or blessing. (Along with what's on their card.) Next, play Headbands with the cards. Bring paperclips, headbands, tape, or just have the girls hold them up on their head. Each girl can ask a question about their ordinance until they narrow things down. "Is mine a saving ordinance?" "Do you have to be male to do mine?" Finally, do a timeline activity. Basically, have the girls sort the cards by when they would occur, while explaining what's happening. You can have one YW put up a card, and continue on with the story. This a basic idea of how things should turn out, it can be a little subjective: "Lacy was born, then adopted. She had to be SEALED TO HER PARENTS. Once the family was sealed, they gave Lacy a BABY BLESSING. When Lacy was six, she got the flu. Her dad gave her a HEALING BLESSING. One Lacy was eight, she chose to get BAPTIZED, and then CONFIRMATION CAME WITH IT. Lacy kept on choosing the right, and once she turned twelve, she went to the temple and did baptisms BY PROXY. Each week Lacy went to church and took THE SACRAMENT. After a while, Lacy decided she was ready for a PATRIARCHAL BLESSING. It told her about who she should marry, and soon enough, she was ENDOWED and SEALED TO HER HUSBAND in the temple. She and her husband soon had a baby boy, who grew up. When he was twelve, he got ORDAINED to the Aaronic Priesthood. The boy got older, and was having anxiety about going on a mission. Lacy's husband took out his handy-dandy CONSECRATED OIL and gave him a father's blessing. The son was able to overcome his anxiety and went on to his mission. When he got home he got called as a Sunday School teacher and got SET APART into the calling." 


I thought it was kinda cool that "Ordinance" and "Oreo" begin with the same two letters. So that's what I stuck with. So serve Oreos. Have no Oreos? Have no fear. I came up with the idea on the whim and decided to make my own. Basically, prep rolled sugar cookie dough. Next, dye it black. Cut it into circles and bake it as directed. While the dough is in the oven, make a small batch of buttercream frosting. Once the cookies are cooled, pipe on the frosting, and stack on the other cookie. Those will end up more like whoopie pies, but it's the thought that counts, right? 

Be sure to Pin and share! 

Yours Truly,
Molly Mormon

Faith in God & Personal Progress | Sister Bonding Time!

How would you like to grow closer to your lil/big sis, and get Personal Progress/Faith in God done at the same time? 

I'm not saying that after doing this, boom, all problems will be solved. But I love the idea of helping my lil' sis get FIG done while crossing off PP as well.

As I was helping my sister do FIG, I realized that some of her experiences were similar to mine -- PP was just amped up a little. So why not combine the two? In this PDF, you'll find a Personal Progress experience matching with each of the Learning and Living the Gospel experiences, Serving Others experiences, and Developing Talents experiences. Some are electives, but some match almost perfectly. Good luck!

To print the worksheets for free, click here.

Yours Truly,
Molly Mormon

My Personal Progress Binder

Does anyone else love binders? I love how they're very forgiving -- remove, add, and reorganize your pages at any time. They're pretty inexpensive, and can be a great organizational tool. So are you ready to add a Personal Progress binder to your library?

Look below to get each section of the binder. Obviously, most of this isn't new content, I've just compiled all of the worksheets to make them easier for YOU!!

How To Assemble Your Personal Progress Binder

The things you will need will be...

Print out the first three pages and the dividers/tabs. Fill out the All About Me Page and Tracker, and put a picture of yourself where prompted to do so. Yep. That's me down there. ;) Face reveal! ;)

Next you'll want to cut out the dividers and get all of the value pages. Hey, don't the tabs look nice when arranged in RAINBOW order? Ugh. Come on. 

Hole-punch each divider.

Tape the tabs onto the dividers.

There you go! A beautiful PP binder. Now if you knew how to use it...

Print out all of the PP worksheets you still have to complete. To finish the program, I need to start Integrity 1 and my Integrity Project, finish my Divine Nature Project, and hey, what do you know? I finished my Divine Nature elective!

Since I completed it,  I will put it under the "done" tab, and pat myself on the back.

Since I've started the Divine Nature project and am still working on it, I'm going to file it under "doing."

And since I haven't started my Integrity project or Integrity 1, they go under the Integrity divider, to be done later.

Got it? Worksheets you haven't started are organized by their value, worksheets you're working on right now go in "doing" and once you finish them they go under "done."

Hopefully the assembly takes you less time than it did for me -- however, I was a little preoccupied with photography!



That's a lot of paper. What if I can't afford to print it?

If you want to try to do it digitally, try using Kami! I've explained the process here. Also consider printing two-sided and in black and white.

Do I have to buy it?

Of course, as always these resources are free! Hope you enjoy, and look forward to Leader Personal Progress coming out soon.

Yours Truly,
Molly Mormon