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Peace in Christ Mutual Conducting Outlines + Spiritual Thought Jar

today we're bringing to you some Mutual Conducting outlines. 

I gave them a Peace In Christ theme, so it's good for the rest of '18. I really am sorry that I didn't release these at the beginning of the year, like it would actually make sense to do. But in January 2018, I was hardly a graphic designer. I used Google Docs and Drawings! (I know, embarassing, right?) I just kind of typed things up. I never would have been able to design such things in the early days of the blog! Next January, of course, I will release items for the New Year around New Year's. But enough talking. Let's get onto the mutual outlines. 

If you've read my Sunday conducting  post, it should be pretty similar to conducting mutual. Except for that the YM are involved... :( 

The outline includes exactly what to say and do, making things a little bit easier for the girls, however. If you want, you can even have a good supply and let the YM use them! Or just be sneaky and keep them to yourselves... hehe... You can also print them out and put them in a folder, write each YW's name on them, and give them out and have YW conduct until all of the papers are gone. For example, if Mia Maids are conducting in May, you can write all of the Mia Maids' names on conducting sheets. Each week in May, hand a sheet out to a Mia Maid. Once they've conducted, they're good. If you have more than 4-5 Mia Maids (such a prospect is shocking to a East Coast Mormon) you can keep on having people conduct the next month you are in charge.

So there are the Mutual Conducting outlines, but that's not all. Also incuded are Spiritual Thought Jar printouts. I don't know how things go in your wards, but where I live, nobody ever wants to give one. Half of the YM can barely spell "spiritual thought," much less be willing to give one when asked. Hopefully, the Spiritual Thought Jar helps. In it are scriptures and General Conference quotes relating to Peace in Christ. The person giving the Spiritual Thought can draw one, read the thought, and expand on it a little through personal experience. 

Enough talk. Now I get to show you all the conducting outline! Now, just a reminder that I did not put my standard footer on the paper. Please, give credit where credit is due. Do not steal images and say they are your own. If you want to share these outlines, that's great! Just please link to this post right here, and not the direct file. Following the rules keeps these products free! 
You can get the free conducting outline here

Now onto the Spiritual Thought Jar!

Below is the Peace in Christ Logo. You can save the image, print it, and Mod Podge it onto the front of a mason jar.
Once your jar is set up, move on to the printing and cutting. I find this works best using a papercutter. Fold each strip of paper in half and the jar will be full by no time. I've done jars with paper in them before, and two pages will probably fill it. You can fill the jar with two pages, set aside those after they've been used, do the next two pages, and then put the other pages back in circulation.

You can get the printouts here.

Good luck!
Yours Truly,
Molly Mormon

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