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👉Do you get overwhelmed by your responsibilities in your calling? 👉Do you wish you could have more time for the "fun stuff" that...

Enlist In The Youth Battalion

We want you(th.)

Are you ready to take the five challenges, while doing Personal Progress?

I've made PDFs for each, packed with information, Personal Progress, self-assessments, and ways for you to achieve each goal. Let's do this.

1. Take a seven-day social media fast.

2. For three weeks, make a weekly sacrifice of time to the Lord.

3. Keep on the covenant path.

4. Pray daily for all of God's children to receive the gospel.

5. Stand out and be a light.

I would suggest, if all five experiences are completed, it being counted as a Faith, Choice and Accountability or Integrity project. I think those values really correlate with this whole set of challenges -- having faith that President Nelson is a prophet of God and you will be blessed as you listen to his counsel, choosing to do what he says, and having integrity by actually doing all of these challenges.

Next I've made some handouts. First you can get the printout for the five challenges:
Then see how they relate to Personal Progress:

Good luck in your enlistment!

Yours Truly,
Molly Mormon

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