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Faith 1

"The first principle of the gospel is faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Learn about faith from the scriptures and living prophets. Read Hebrews 11; Alma 32:17–43; Ether 12:6–22; and Joseph Smith—History 1:11–20. Read two general conference talks on faith. Exercise your own faith by establishing a habit of prayer in your life. Begin by regularly saying your morning and evening prayers. After three weeks of following this pattern, discuss with a parent or leader what you have learned about faith and how daily personal prayer has strengthened your faith. In your journal express your feelings about faith and prayer."

Get the free printable Faith 1 Worksheet here.

You may be thinking: Prayer? Regular prayer? Regular personal prayer? Ugh! It's impossible.  It wasn't too long ago that I had the very same mindset. Closing prayer in class? 1-2-3-Not-It! Personal Prayers? Meh, I didn't have to do them.

It wasn't until I started doing them regularly that I realized their significance; that they were a privilege, not a tedious chore. Now, I cherish the moments when I can talk to the One who understands my pains, afflictions, burdens, and joys, yet still loves me unconditionally: my Heavenly Father. I bear my testimony of prayer, and I hope that you will give it a try. You've got nothing to lose and everything to gain.  

See you next Sunday! 

Yours Truly,
Molly Mormon

P.S.  If you've completed this value experience, I'd love to hear about how it went for you.

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