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annual youth theme

2024 Youth Theme


Get all my 2023 theme resources for just $19.99. That's $26.96 worth of products--bundle, save + snag these awesome designs at low prices while you can! Not Included: Annual Youth Mtg Products

Display the Theme: Bulletin Board Kit

Setting up a cute bulletin board has never been easier than print 🖨, cut ✂️ and staple ✨ Your young women will love the minimalist & trendy design of this year’s bulletin board prints!

Plan the Theme: Binder Kit

Plan simply + in style with this planner kit. ✍ Print + go or use the editable PDFs with theme-coordinating designs to supercharge planning this year! ⚡

Celebrate the Theme: Ministering Kit

Minister to your girls all year round with these supercute cards + printables for yw birthdays & special events! 🥳 

Connect the goal setting program and this year's theme by getting a matching goal tracker sheet!

These editable monthly newsletter templates can be printed or mailed out and contain a cute monthly quote!

Get everyone excited for your Annual Youth Meeting with this beautiful editable invite!

And with this editable meeting program, make sure it runs smoothly!

Follow me on social -- 📸IG & 📌Pinterest for updates on when things come out!
👩🏻‍🎨 Resources for young women by a young woman! 


  1. hi thank you for sharing your wonderful talent with us .. i cant seem to locate the never have i ever download. can you please help me out

    1. I am so sorry you are having trouble finding what you need! I'm not totally sure which download you are talking about. Are you talking about the Teach the Theme kit, possibly? Or one of the quarantined game ideas? Let me know and I will be happy to help you out!😉thx!

  2. Do you have a Teach the Theme kit for 2021?

    1. Thanks for reaching out! I currently am working on resources for 2021 girls camp and am not planning to do a teach the theme kit this year.

  3. Do you have the bulletin board 2021 in Spanish?

    1. I don't have it yet, but can make it if you're interested. I also have the planner & birthday kit in Spanish upon request.

  4. hola buenas tardes, deseo comprar el kit... es en español??

    1. Sip! https://www.etsy.com/listing/1100120212/2022-confia-en-jehova-tema-de-jovenes?click_key=818b4eb3e097d3f65afa99b57aeb17cdbb02cd04%3A1100120212&click_sum=6a608854&ref=shop_home_active_2&crt=1&sts=1
