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👉Do you get overwhelmed by your responsibilities in your calling? 👉Do you wish you could have more time for the "fun stuff" that...

June 29–July 5--Alma 23–29--"They Never Did Fall Away”

happy sunday! I am so excited to read about amazing Lamanites this week that "never did fall away." Describing them, Ammon says that they "were in darkness, yea, even in the darkest abyss, but behold, how many of them are brought to behold the marvelous light of God!"

God is love and God is light. And as we come out of the darkness closer to Him, we will be so much happier and blessed. Light provides safety, protection, a signal, comfort, and warmth. The gospel has given all of those things to me and it is so amazing to watch these righteous Anti-Nephi-Lehis find the same blessings in their conversion to Christ.

💜If you’re reading this, I know you care about Come, Follow Me. I have SO many more weekly scripture printables like this and a beautiful Come, Follow Me study binder, to help you more easily follow this program. Do you want to make your life easier as a busy Latter-Day Saint? Follow me on Pinterest, where I have all the printables easily organized for your use, or on Insta where I share simple + bite sized Come, Follow Me study insights once a week.💜

desenvolvimento pessoal: recursos gratuitos

Agora tem um programa novo da igreja. E isso é “Crianças e Jovens!” Criei recursos pra vocês de ajudar a suas crianças e seus jovens no processo de fixação, planificação, e realização de metas nas suas vidas e fazer desenvolvimento pessoal. 

Você gostaria talvez: Otros recursos em português no meu blog

Se as crianças ou jovens que você ajuda são seus filhos, quereria a versão de noite de lar. 

É a versão completo, e os outros são abreviados para propósitos vários. Então, alguém que quer olhar tudo no paquete gratuito pode olhar!

Se é um líder na igreja de crianças o jovens, usa esta versão de uma atividade da igreja com uma atividade divertida e ativa.

E se você é uma criança ou um jovem ou alguém que quer melhorar com metas, olha este versão individual!

Espero que estes recursos sejam útil pra você! Deixa um comentário com como os utiliza!

Bejios e abraços!

recursos para ven, sígueme 2020

Hola, estoy muy alegre porque puedo compartir estes recursos gratis para ven, sígueme con ustedes. 
El paquete gratis tiene muchos recursos para ayudarles en sus estudios de ven sígueme.  

A usted le gusta tal vez: Otros recursos en español en el blog

Primero, hay un agenda de 2020. La usen para saber cual leemos in la iglesia cada semana en ven, sígueme.

Entonces es un página muy linda. Me encanta la pirámide y las plantas🤩.

Y más hay otros recursos de ayudarles estudiar. Hay un página para anotar en los domingos, una página simple de estudiar, notas semanal y más. 

Y eso es todo. Si quieren encontrar todos los recursos españoles fácilmente, sigan esta Tablero en Pinterest y también, estarán los primeros de saber de nuevos recursos en esta idioma.

¡Besos y abrazos!

recursos para desarrollo personal

Leer este post en: Español | 🇧🇷 Português

¡Hola, mis amigos hispanohablantes! 💛💛 Siempre he visto que no hay tantos recursos SUD en español y por eso quiero que hayan en mi sitio! Agradezco mucho mucho todo la ayuda y voluntad que ustedes me han dado. 

El paquete completo con todo de los recursos es la edición de noche de hogar. Los otros paquetes son versiones abreviados de eso.

Y eso es todo. Si quieren encontrar todos los recursos españoles fácilmente, sigan esta Tablero en Pinterest y estarán los primeros de saber de nuevos recursos en esta idioma.

¡Besos y abrazos!

fourth of july treat tag!

hey hey! I got a supercute lds treat you can use for ministering this summer for the fourth of july!

Y'all, this was hard to come up with! It had me racking my brain, spending 30 minutes scouring the General Conference Corpus until I found this quote from...President Nelson!! 🤩 It was more recent than 1850 (or smth), from a high profile General Authority (the prophet yesss!) It was straightforward, short and sweet, and it could have a clear connection to an Almond Joy bar! perfection. It's from an address from him from the 80s over here.

Do you love celebrating all the holidays? I mean 💁🏻‍♀️if you’re here reading this, there’s a pretty good chance. 👌You can get this free 4th of July treat tag here, but be sure to follow me on 📌Pinterest for easy access to an organized library of printables to make your life easier + celebrating and enjoying these classic events cuter.🥳 I'm also on Insta 📸 sharing pretty doctrinal + holiday quotes to inspire. 💛

June 22–28--Alma 17–22--I Will Make an Instrument of Thee

wahooooo!! these are some of my FAVORITE chapters here...but they "are not few in number," as Ammon says this week. I jumped right into Alma 17 today and kept on seeing the phrase "instrument in his hands." It's such an interesting concept, so it's the highlighted verse for the week!

Would you want to play a piano that is out of tune? And would God trust you with a prompting if He knows you won't receive it? These are the questions I am asking myself and trying to apply in my life this week. 

💜If you’re reading this, I know you care about Come, Follow Me. I have SO many more weekly scripture printables like this and a beautiful Come, Follow Me study binder, to help you more easily follow this program. Do you want to make your life easier as a busy Latter-Day Saint? Follow me on Pinterest, where I have all the printables easily organized for your use, or on Insta where I share simple + bite sized Come, Follow Me study insights once a week.💜

patriotic usa lds quotes!

hey hey y'all! I've rounded up a few quotes about the us of a especially for the fourth of july coming soon, but these are great for memorial day and other patriotic holidays as well.

what I like about these quotes is that they are applicable to anyone in any nation of the world. we are a global church from so many amazing countries. I'm excited to share these quotes as I celebrate mine!

Love it! The natural man may feel like we're restricted in the church...but our agency doesn't go away after baptism. We are always free to choose the easier wrong, but it won't lead to the joy of freedom.

I like how President Monson says freedom is a heavenly virtue. Galatians 5:1 says that "Christ hath made us free," so it makes sense that it is a characteristic of the Divine.

I worried I had misattributed this, until I realized Elder Hales had put his own spin on these classic words from 2 Corinthians 6:12. So many gems from the writings of Paul! And general conference.

And this is the very best quote of all! There are good people in every nation of the world, and I love how the last bit of the quote says "striving to do what is right." We're humans. Not quite perfect yet. But too many of us are trying! And that deserves credit.

👉I've created a free printable for these holiday quotes, but that's not all! 📌Follow me on Pinterest for easy access to an organized library of printables to make your life easier + celebrating and enjoying these classic events cuter.🥳 I'm also on Insta 📸 sharing pretty quotes to inspire. 💛

June 15–21--Alma 13–16--“Enter into the Rest of the Lord”

Yas no inequality! 👏 This scripture stood out to me amidst recent events. I'm hesitant to say much bc I know I'm no thought leader-y'all are here for the printables, designs, and other Latter-Day Saint goodies.👩🏻‍🎨But I saw from the Book of Mormon during studying the chapters for this week that when we live in righteousness, everyone is "not judged by the color of their skin"--or any other defining factors we use to draw lines in the sand--but "by the content of their character" (credit to MLK) and the love that comes with seeing all of Heavenly Father's children through His eyes. 💛

👉If you’re reading this, I know you care about Come, Follow Me. 😎 I have SO many more weekly scripture printables like this and a beautiful Come, Follow Me study binder, to help you more easily follow this program. Do you want to make your life easier as a busy Latter-Day Saint?🙋‍♀️Follow me on 📌Pinterest, where I have all the printables easily organized for your use, or on 📸Insta where I share simple + bite sized Come, Follow Me study insights once a week. 

June 8–14–Alma 8–12–Jesus Christ Will Come to Redeem His People

Yas this week I’m highlighting Alma 12:34-super easy to remember the reference😂-Therefore, whosoever repenteth, and hardeneth not his heart, he shall have claim on mercy through mine Only Begotten Son, unto a remission of his sins; and these shall enter into my rest.

I call this scripture the heaven formula, and I feel like it summarizes an amazing book by Anthony Sweat: I’m not perfect. Can I still go to heaven? 

I’ve seen grace interpreted so differently by members of the church and really wondered how it works in my own life. 

After reading Sweat’s book, I understood that we can never make it to the celestial kingdom — ourselves. Have we sinned at least once? The law of justice says that was the defining mistake that keeps us unclean and out of the kingdom of God.

But someone didn’t own anything to the law of justice, who made an Atonement, and that was Jesus Christ(As the verse quotes, “Mine Only Begotten.”) Because of that, and grace, our admission to heaven is fully paid. So where does keeping the commandments come in? 

We have to qualify for grace (“have claim on mercy”) and we do that by repenting of our sins and trying to be better each day. 

And I’m not saying it’s that simple—obviously there are major things left out of this simple definition, like ordinances. But it’s how I understand how we enter into His rest.

💜If you’re reading this, I know you care about Come, Follow Me. I have SO many more weekly scripture printables like this and a beautiful Come, Follow Me study binder, to help you more easily follow this program. Do you want to make your life easier as a busy Latter-Day Saint? Follow me on Pinterest, where I have all the printables easily organized for your use, or on Insta where I share simple + bite sized Come, Follow Me study insights once a week.💜

father's day treat idea!!

Hey y'all! Aaah father's day is coming up! You can grab this treat tag to help you celebrate in your ward or family by heading over here

For more supercute Latter-Day Saint quotes, gift ideas, and more, follow me on Pinterest + Insta! Enjoy!!

general conference


General Conference is the time for revelation + notes and life changing quotes. ✍I love to help by sharing beautiful designs to enhance your experience. Let's make this 16 hour party a fun + uplifting one!


Here are the spring general conference notes!

Fall general conference notes are coming soon!

pulling through a pandemic

This pandemic has changed how we live, work + minister. 😷 No matter what stage your area is in of lockdowns to recovery, I'm creating resources to help you as we go through this crazy journey as a global church fam! 💛


Welcome Back Kit


Activity Ideas