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June 8–14–Alma 8–12–Jesus Christ Will Come to Redeem His People

Yas this week I’m highlighting Alma 12:34-super easy to remember the reference😂-Therefore, whosoever repenteth, and hardeneth not his heart, he shall have claim on mercy through mine Only Begotten Son, unto a remission of his sins; and these shall enter into my rest.

I call this scripture the heaven formula, and I feel like it summarizes an amazing book by Anthony Sweat: I’m not perfect. Can I still go to heaven? 

I’ve seen grace interpreted so differently by members of the church and really wondered how it works in my own life. 

After reading Sweat’s book, I understood that we can never make it to the celestial kingdom — ourselves. Have we sinned at least once? The law of justice says that was the defining mistake that keeps us unclean and out of the kingdom of God.

But someone didn’t own anything to the law of justice, who made an Atonement, and that was Jesus Christ(As the verse quotes, “Mine Only Begotten.”) Because of that, and grace, our admission to heaven is fully paid. So where does keeping the commandments come in? 

We have to qualify for grace (“have claim on mercy”) and we do that by repenting of our sins and trying to be better each day. 

And I’m not saying it’s that simple—obviously there are major things left out of this simple definition, like ordinances. But it’s how I understand how we enter into His rest.

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