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fourth of july treat tag!

hey hey! I got a supercute lds treat you can use for ministering this summer for the fourth of july!

Y'all, this was hard to come up with! It had me racking my brain, spending 30 minutes scouring the General Conference Corpus until I found this quote from...President Nelson!! 🤩 It was more recent than 1850 (or smth), from a high profile General Authority (the prophet yesss!) It was straightforward, short and sweet, and it could have a clear connection to an Almond Joy bar! perfection. It's from an address from him from the 80s over here.

Do you love celebrating all the holidays? I mean 💁🏻‍♀️if you’re here reading this, there’s a pretty good chance. 👌You can get this free 4th of July treat tag here, but be sure to follow me on 📌Pinterest for easy access to an organized library of printables to make your life easier + celebrating and enjoying these classic events cuter.🥳 I'm also on Insta 📸 sharing pretty doctrinal + holiday quotes to inspire. 💛

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