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4 lds mother's day quotes for the women in your life

y'all! it's going to be mother's day in ~like~ not that much time and aaaaah oh my goodness...this definitely isn't catching me off guard or anything. No. I've just been so busy spending every minute of the day planning mother's day festivities for my own mother that I haven't had time to eat, breathe, or do anything else. Truth...

anyways, I just rounded up four lds mother's day quotes that you can send to those applicable (along with your gifts ofc!!) and I hope y'all enjoy.

thank you to all you angels  extreme athletes superheroes saints  oh, I recall, the word is "mothers" everywhere. these quotes are for you!

for the mother who doesn't see herself as one

question: am I a mother?


{if you're a woman, then yass!}for anyone with any imposter syndrome or any insecurity or anything, myth busted. to all women, the quotes about motherhood (and most of all, the church and RS) do not exclude you.

for the mother who thinks she isn't enough

question: am I doing a good enough job?


motherhood is tough...and I don't know that from experience. I just have babysat before and it is so much more chill to be able to hand back the kid at a certain point. but...y'all know who DOES really know about the...dirty diapers, messy kitchens, stacks of dishes...and EVERYTHING? 💖Jesus💖and one of His apostles wants to bring this reminder to you.

for the mother who is in a trial

question: how can I get through my struggles?


you are a righteous mother in the kingdom of God and you have *every* right to draw upon His healing, strengthening and priesthood power. and guess what? as a mother, one not ordained to the priesthood, yes, you actually have increased power in your prayers. so start talking to Him today!

for the mother who wonders if she's important

question: is motherhood really an important calling in life?


lol. hmmmmmmm. I think that everyone in the church sits thinking about this all of the time because the importance of motherhood is just never stressed. 😂😂 no I'm kidding, I will just let this quote speak for itself as a reminder of the magnitude and scope of mothers' amazing roles.

and that's it y'all! I've added these as printables and I hope you enjoy pampering your mothers this Sunday. I'll be highlighting these on Insta (if you could follow my acct I would love that!) thru the week.

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