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👉Do you get overwhelmed by your responsibilities in your calling? 👉Do you wish you could have more time for the "fun stuff" that...

#generalconference: a history in quotes

Every year, we have the opportunity to hear the voice of the Lord. Gain revelation for our lives. Literally watch history being written as Prophets and leaders share what God wands us to hear today.

From these events, we have an oral history, a representation of God's response and care to what is happening around us in these last days. He watches over us. We are so blessed to know where to turn for direction and peace: to Him and His words. 🕯


One Word: Prepare

We had thought the pandemic would be a blip on the radar, but here we were at an all virtual session again. Church leaders brought messages of reminders about the Second Coming, urged us to root out racism, and the conference ended with President Nelson's iconic address telling us to "Let God Prevail."

APRIL 2020

One Word: Unforgettable

Nothing was more disorienting than experiencing the confusion and signs of the times during the beginning of COVID-19. 🦠 The messages delivered shined bright against the darkness of fear and showed brought to life the scripture that says "In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world" (John 16:33).


One Word: Change

So many inspired changes happened that it was hard for us to keep up! Here I lettered just a few of them from the uplifting Women's Session.

Before I sign off, I want to make sure you know this is NOT the only resource I have to make your life easier as a busy Latter-Day Saint! To see & have all my free resources at your fingertips, follow me on Pinterest! 📌

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