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january 13 - 19 -- 1 nephi 8-10 -- come & partake of the fruit

I’m back for another week of Come Follow Me! Happy Monday, y’all. This week is going to be so fun to revisit! I’m so familiar with 1 Nephi until the Isaiah chapters because that’s usually where I stall out but this year we’re going to push through, right? Additionally, we only have 2 chapters to read this week, so I’m sure we’ll be able to dive deep into those.
A big lesson Hank Smith taught me (not personally 😂 but you know...through his books, etc) is that the big lessons in scripture lie in the details - the word choices that stood the test of time or that signal what really happened. An example of that within this verse is “joy.”
That’s what we’re all really seeking, right? And this verse is different than the instant kick of pleasure you get when you eat...let’s say, chocolate or smth. Although there’s food in this analogy, the joy we get from the gospel provides so much more than an energy spike or fleeting moment of happiness.
Another thing is that in order to feel the joy, you need to partake of the fruit. Knowing about it won’t nourish or save you, but going up and taking a bite, despite who is up there mocking and looking down at you, really living the gospel by your actions, choices, and deeds, is where true joy comes from.

Watch the Book of Mormon video the Church made about Lehi's vision below!

So good! Be sure to subscribe to their channel. It's so great being able to see these Book of Mormon stories we study coming to life through their work.

Good luck with your study!


  1. thank you so much for your talent! I have sent so many people here, as I just discovered you about 4 weeks ago, for your Book of Mormon Come follow Me binder collection!! My whole family use them too!! Is there a way to download or purchase your quotes? These are perfect to add to my families interactive books. PS... you need an Instagram account so I can tag you in my journal pages, if you do have on what it is your handle. :)

    1. Aw that is so kind of you Corrine!💕 I need to do a better job of linking my Instagram account, I just got it! It is @my.lds.printspiration and I share these quotes and other gospel messages a few times a week. I think that is a great idea to have those as printables! I'm not sure if I'll be able to go back and make printables out of the ones I have already lettered, but I will definitely share those as 5x7s in future weeks! And I agree, those should be supercute since they are the same color palette. Thx so much for commenting and best of luck with your Come, Follow Me study!

  2. Where have you been??? Why am I only now discovering you?? These are all so beautiful!! Thank you, thank you for sharing!! I am wondering if there is a download for the image of the tree of life scripture 1 Nephi 8:12. It is perfect for something we are doing for our primary children ... We would LOVE it!

    1. Aw thanks so much! 🤩 As I’ve tried to decrease the amount of time that is needed for the blog, I discontinued these weekly printables. After I switched to an annual Come, Follow Me model, I deleted all the old links, which is why you couldn’t find the file anywhere. 😹😅 But I’m happy to re-share any of the old printables you may need. I added a shortcut to what you're looking for over here: linktr.ee/printspobyclaire. Enjoy!

    2. Thank you SO much!! I absolutely love it!!
