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happy fourth of july

Well, this may be a first! I'm posting the printspo early -- and I'm actually prepared? Such weirdness going on! 😂

With this week's inspirational quote (from our late beloved prophet Thomas S. Monson) I also bring a *shocking* new discovery.

I think the fact that the prophet shared this quote supports the idea that there was definitely some divine correlation in our independence, which we now get to celebrate.

I always wondered why we had the 4th of July. I totally loved it, and knew its theme, but wasn't quite sure where the holiday had gotten its origins.

And y'all, thanks to Google, I am now so enlightened. The 4th of July is celebrating the Declaration of Independence. Which was signed 243 years ago on Thursday!

I can't believe I'm such an idiot that I didn't know the two events were one and the same, but I think it's not the public school system to blame and more just the fact that I spent most of my time in class doodling in the margins. 🤦‍♀️😬

So, anyways, to make up for that I hope this lovely quote will distract everyone and myself from my stupidity and point the focus onto America's independence.

 Amidst the fireworks, barbeques, burgers, and more, we can't forget exactly how blessed as a country we are. I mean, come on. It's a little American rebel startup fighting against a rich British military -- who do you expect to win?

There's plenty of scenarios like this in the scriptures. I think we (the Americans) totally seemed like an itty-bitty David while the (British) Goliath towered over us and threatened total defeat.

But I know it makes all the difference when we have God on our side! Acts 5:39 says, "But if it be of God, ye cannot overthrow it." 

Just like with David, our odds didn't look good, but despite their best efforts the British just couldn't squash the revolution.

Enjoy your 4th of July, (I'll enjoy my newfound understanding of it) and please follow my Pinterest account for more hand-lettered quotes by Latter-Day Saints! 

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