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Halloween Personal Progress

Halloween is coming! Just seeing the leaves fall (at least around where I live and all) makes me so undescribably happy. Halloween is just the gateway holiday to Thanksgiving, and Christmas... and everything! While I love Halloween, I had a little trouble coming up with a Halloween Personal Progress related project because the holiday is pretty secular. You ring a doorbell, you get candy, not very much material on that to pull from. But if I made Patriotic Personal Progress, why not try on this holiday?

I've come up with two different ways to merge Halloween and Personal Progress this year, and this is the first.

The natural man is an enemy to God, right? The natural man probably wants to scarf down all of the Halloween candy it receives and not share any of it. But to repel that natural "man" try serving at Halloween!

I've created a value project outline that will take you through EVERY step of the way of sending a Halloween Candy donation to Operation Gratitude. Operation Gratitude creates and sends care packages to members of the US Military. It's a good cause, and they need Halloween candy! The packet guides you through every step of the way, and even if nobody ends up donating candy... you know that night where you go house to house getting free candy? 

I HATE when on Personal Progress blogs they give you value project ideas that don't actually take ten hours, like "read a poem and journal" so I made sure to make steps for each hour that fill each hour! 

All you need to do is print and enjoy. Get the packet for free here.

Hocus Pocus Halloween Value Experiences

People who say that you have to do big, complicated service projects to serve? Ugh, that's just Hocus Pocus.

I originally made these as a product for my Etsy shop, and if you want the cutesy Halloween designed things I've made, it is only $1.99 for the cute Halloween worksheets and packets. But if you can make do with my beautifully designed FREE printable worksheets, go ahead! What the activity focuses on is that you can serve in small ways everyday. Good Works #1 focuses on noticing small acts of service - see here, and Good Works #3 focuses on giving them -- see here. So, to sum it up, if you want the ones decorated for Halloween, feel free to buy them, that would be great, all purchases support my mission fund. If you don't want to pay the small fee, try printing out the free worksheets or using the value project idea.

Don't forget to Pin and share, and if you have any other Halloween PP ideas, be sure to send them my way! And check out my Etsy shop; we're finally getting ready for Halloween!
Yours Truly,
Molly Mormon / Latter-Day Lucie

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