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Choice and Accountability 1

Choice and Accountability 1

A daughter of God can make wise decisions and solve problems. Read 1 Nephi 15:8; 2 Nephi 32:3; Alma 34:19–27; Ether 2–3; and Doctrine and Covenants 9:7–9. Follow a pattern of regular scripture study and prayer to receive help in making personal decisions such as choosing good friends, being kind to others, getting up on time, or other decisions. Discuss with a parent or leader how regular scripture study and prayer helped you make correct decisions.

There are additional pages to help you apply what you've learned.

Here's a Ponderize Quote for you!

The devil is more advanced now than other but we have tools to fight him! As we pray and read the scriptures regularly, we will be able to go against him. 

Regular prayer and scripture study are great habits to get. As I try to remain diligent in them, this Book of Mormon study guide by the Red Headed Hostess and daily Peace in Christ themed journal by the Red Headed Hostess help me stay on track.* I absolutely love the Book of Mormon study guide as it forces me to think and comprehend what I'm reading, leaves me space to doodle, and isn't too open ended. The daily journal helps me pause and think about my day and to also track my goals, aspirations, and personal prayer. While they may not be free, they are great and will definitely help you complete this value experience. Of course, they will help you do personal prayer and scripture study consistently as they have helped me! 

See you next Sunday!
Yours Truly, Molly Mormon

*Those products are NOT affiliate links and simply something I personally use and would love to recommend.

Fathers Day Personal Progress

Father's Day is June 17th this year, and while we wait for it to arrive, let's make gifts for our dads, watch a Father's Day video, and do Father's Day Personal Progress!

Father's Day Crafts, Cards, and Gifts:

"We Would Be Muffin Without You, Dad!" -- Eighteen 25 -- see here.

I thought this was a cute idea, except for the fact that it says "We Would Be Muffin Without You Dad!" and I'm sort of obsessed with grammar. Sorry. So you can see the post above, and get some grammatically correct and cute tags made by me here.

I like this idea because it is cute and simple, and who doesn't like to bake/eat muffins?

"Fathers Day Tie Napkin" -- Home Stories A-Z -- see here.

Whipping up a delicious Father's Day dinner? Fold napkins into a tie!

"Father's Day Cards" -- Fyne's Designs -- see here.

Just a bunch of cute little Father's Day cards.

Father's Day Video:

This great Mormon Message is perfect for Father's Day.

Father's Day Personal Progress:

Maybe some of these are stretch, but you can make them work!

Divine Nature 3 -- Strengthen your relationship with your dad in this experience. Get the worksheet here.

Divine Nature 5 -- Be more obedient to your dad in this experience. Get the worksheet here.

Individual Worth 6 -- Talk with your dad, grandpa, and other relatives to complete this experience. Get the worksheet here.

Knowledge 5 -- Learn what your dad does all day in this experience! Get the worksheet here. (You don't have to be interested in his work field, but still ask him the questions.)

Happy Father's Day! Yours Truly, Molly Mormon

I Did It!

Check. I can't believe it! I'm overjoyed. Because now, every single Personal Progress worksheet is on this blog. Of course, there's more; lesson helps, ideas, and more cute printables. But all my work over the past six months has led up to this point. Thank you, viewers and Pinners. Thank you, everyone who helped me as I worked for this. To help advertise this accomplishment, I've created graphics I'll be Pinning and sharing. Feel free to do so! Thank you so much! And please spread the good news.

Plus: Coming Up On the Blog

- value project ideas
-one personal progress binder PDF with ALL of the worksheets
-more redesigns in other categories

Yours Truly,
Molly Mormon

Personalized Elective Experiences

You can get all personalized elective experiences here! (Faith is not listed first because I did not want its image to be the cover image of the post.)

Get this free printable worksheet here.

Get your free printable worksheet here.

Get your free printable worksheet here.


Get your free printable worksheet here.

Get your free printable worksheet here.

Get your free printable worksheet here.

Get your free printable worksheet here.

Virtue 1

This experience... this topic... I know it can make things kind of awkward! But since it's a required experience, surely it's important!

Get your free printable worksheet for Virtue 1 here.

As I worked on this worksheet, I recalled a talk Elder Bednar gave on the topic. As I read it, it really goes along with this experience and answers the main questions of the topic. Read "We Believe in Being Chaste" here.

Another video I came across by Mormon Channel is "Chastity: What are the Limits?"

And there you have it! Good luck with this experience.

Yours Truly, Molly Mormon

Integrity 3

"The Savior is the perfect example of integrity; He did what He promised the Father He would do. Read 3 Nephi 11:10–11. Study the lives of other individuals in the scriptures who lived with integrity. Read Genesis 39; the book of Esther; Job 2:327:3–6Daniel 3 and 6; Acts 26Doctrine and Covenants 124:15; and Joseph Smith—History 1:21–25. In your journal identify the ways these people demonstrated integrity. Think of a time when you had the courage to show integrity, especially when it was not easy or popular. Share your experience and your feelings about it in a testimony meeting or lesson or with a parent or leader."

Get the free printable worksheet here.

In this experience, you learn about Esther and Daniel. Want a cute, fun and family-friendly musical about them? 

Get the Liken the Scriptures movie Esther and the King and Daniel and the Lion's Den today!*

Yours Truly, 
Molly Mormon

*NOT an affiliate link. Just a product I LOVE and want to share!!

Integrity 2

"Conduct a self-assessment of your personal integrity. Ask yourself the following questions: Do I avoid gossip, inappropriate jokes, swearing and profanity, and being light-minded about sacred subjects? Am I completely truthful, morally clean, honest, dependable, and trustworthy in my schoolwork and other activities? Pray daily for strength and for the guidance of the Holy Ghost to help you live with integrity. Write in your journal the things you can do to improve your personal integrity and at least one new habit you want to develop."

Get your free printable worksheet right here.

Now, I don't know you and I don't know about your personal integrity. But I know that many of us Young Women (myself included) struggle with gossiping.
This article from LDS Living about gossip is great. President Uchtdorf says to, simply, "stop it!"

His counsel is depicted in this video by the Mormon Channel.

I wish you all luck in this experience!

Yours Truly,
Molly Mormon

Integrity 1

"Integrity is the willingness and desire to live by our beliefs and standards. Read Moroni 10:30-33 and think about what it means to "deny yourselves of all ungodliness." Read the pamphlet For the Strength of Youth .Reflect on how the Lord's standards differ from the world's standards. Record in you journal appropriate standards for behavior, dress, and conversation, as well as literature, movies, television, internet, music, cell phones and other media. Also write you plan to stay morally clean and worthy to attend the temple. After keeping your standards for at least one month, record your feelings in your journal and continue to keep your commitment."

Okay, don't be fooled! Because this is a hard two week experience, there are more pages in the packet that will guide you every step of the way. Print it out for yourself (for free) here.

Yours Truly, 
Molly Mormon

Good Works 3

"Read Mosiah 18:7-10 and in your journal list three ways you can comfort others or help them bear their burdens. Do the things on your list and tell a family member or leader about how the experience and your attitude and understanding have changed."

Yours Truly, Molly Mormon

Good Works 2

Good Works 2

"Service is an essential principle of family living. Help plan your family’s menus, obtain the food, and prepare part of the meals for two weeks. During that time help your family gather to share mealtimes. Report to your class what you have learned."

My mom loved this experience. Me... not so much! But there's nothing about making dinner yourself to understand the hard work that your mother (or father/caretaker) goes through up to three times a day! You grimace more when picky sibs roll their eyes and refuse to eat, and beam more when the parents grin and enjoy the meal. 

You have a lot of wiggle room in this experience! My interpretation was finding the list of ingredients needed for each meal, putting them on the grocery list, sometimes coming with my mother to the store, and then making dinner every night for two weeks.

On the weekdays, I have to get up so early I make my own breakfast, and I pack a lunch. So since my mom always cooks dinner, I decided to cook that meal for the two weeks.
You could interpret it as more -- bringing relatives breakfast in bed, making watercress sandwiches, etc -- or less -- preparing a side dish, setting the table, helping cooking the meal, and that's okay. Whatever you (and your parents or leaders) are comfortable with sounds good to me!

My packet includes space to make dinner every night. It also has a meal planning calendar and easy recipes to get you started. I hope it helps!

I ended up making it into more of an adorable little booklet to use. You can get the booklet here and then make the cards whatever size you want when you print them. Feeling lazy? Make them full-paper size. (On Chrome it will do this for you.) Feeling extra? Make them small sized, and cut them into a little book.

Hopefully, it's evident, but I worked extra hard on these printables. Just a friendly reminder, as always, please stay trustworthy with these printables. Please do not link directly to this file on your blog, please do not feature it on your blog without saying where it comes from, please do not copy the file and claim it as your own, please do not alter it, etc. I work hard on these, and my payment is knowing that I've helped some Young Women out there! Please keep it that way.

 I hope these help you!

Yours Truly, Molly Mormon

Good Works 1

Good Works 1

Learn why service is a fundamental principle of the gospel. Read Matthew 5:13–16; 25:34–40; Galatians 6:9–10; James 1:22–27; Mosiah 2:17; 4:26; and 3 Nephi 13:1–4. Others often give service you may not notice, such as preparing meals, reading to or listening to younger children, repairing clothing, or helping a brother or sister. For two weeks record in your journal the quiet acts of service your family members and others perform. Acknowledge their service in some meaningful way.

You can get the free printable packet for this experience here.

I remember a long time ago when I had first done this experience (am now redesigning) and I had just started using a new software. I was so excited that I made little cards to use, and you can print them out here - and write what you notice being done on each one. Slip them in the person's room, and the acts of service are acknowledged.

Here's a little preview of each one:

I did this experience before I even had the blog, and since I couldn't use my own worksheet, I tried something else. Each night, I would write what I had noticed, naming names, in a Note on my phone. Each one had emojis, of course. Once I was done, I shared them with my family. Everyone enjoyed hearing their names mentioned for a positive reason! While you may not do that or my worksheet, Personal Progress is totally all about doing what works for you.

Yours Truly, Molly Mormon

Knowledge 3

Knowledge 3

Memorize Article of Faith number thirteen and recite it to a parent, a leader, or another adult. Then visit a museum or exhibit or attend a performance that involves dance, music, speech, or drama. Using this article of faith as a guide, evaluate what you saw and heard. In your journal write your thoughts about how you can use this article of faith as a guide for all you do so the Holy Ghost will be your constant companion. Share those thoughts with a parent or leader.

I love viewing and attending the performances of the arts! I remember when completing this, I attended a play. My friend was in "You're A Good Man, Charlie Brown!" and it was so much fun to support her while enjoying a night of clean, fun entertainment.

I love Studio C! For all you Utes, I'm sure attending a live performance would count! 😀

I hope you have fun doing this value experience!

See you next Sunday!
Yours Truly, Molly Mormon

Knowledge 1

Knowledge 1

Learn about the importance of gaining knowledge by reading Proverbs 1:5; 4:7; 2 Nephi 28:30; and Doctrine and Covenants 88:78–80, 118; 90:15; 130:18–19; 131:6. Think about why you need to gain knowledge and understanding about how to apply gospel principles to your present and future home and family life. Write in your journal what you have learned about knowledge, and discuss it with a family member or Young Women leader.

 Here is your Ponderize scripture:

Have a great week, everyone! ;)

Yours Truly, Molly Mormon

Knowledge 2

Knowledge 2

"In your journal list talents you have and others you would like to develop. Read Matthew 25:14–30. Learn a new skill or talent that will help you care for your own future family or home (for example, playing the piano, singing, budgeting, time management, cooking, sewing, or child care). Share with your family, class, or Young Women leader what you have learned."

For this experience, I did a Safe Sitter class. So far, none of my babysitting clients have asked if I'm certified (or really cared) but, you know, it helped me get a personal progress experience done, so it's all good.

I remember helping my mom sort through her old file cabinets. She had all sorts of things in that thing, from recipes, to life hacks, to inspirational quotes. ("This was before the Internet, dear," she said.)
One that struck me was this:
"The woods would be a very quiet place if only the best birds sang."

I think that's especially important and relevant to the subject of talents. Are you familiar with the parable of the talents? Watch the Bible Video here.

Often times, we, especially with low confidence, may be tempted or even sad enough to hide our talents. But they've been given to us for a reason: to develop and share them! "Practice makes perfect" is an often-used saying, but I prefer the saying "Practice makes better" (And if it's grammatically incorrect, we'll push it aside!) We'll never be perfect, but if we try our best to develop them and share them, we can soar to heights we can never imagine. Remember, the master was equally happy with both men that grew their talents, even if they grew them to different final amounts!

I decided to make an additional picture quote, and of course, the Ponderize picture quote as usual. 😉😁 Hope you enjoy.

See you next Sunday!
Yours Truly, Molly Mormon

Patriotic Personal Progress

The 4th of July is coming up fast. Sure, you can have fun with fireworks and a BBQ, but why not get some Personal Progress done? I've compiled three Personal Progress experiences perfect for patriotic holidays. Good luck!

I made a worksheet covering all three of these experiences, and you can print it below. Here is a preview. I slightly modified Knowledge 5, so feel free to count that as a personalized Knowledge experience if you've already done it.

Feel free to Pin and share this image, and print the free worksheet here. If you want to see a Fourth of July FHE, click here.

Thank you, all military members everywhere, for your service!! 
Yours Truly, Molly Mormon

Individual Worth 3

"Read Doctrine and Covenants 18:10 and 121:45. Do all you can to build others and make them feel of worth. Every day for two weeks notice the worthwhile qualities and attributes of others. Acknowledge them verbally or in writing. In your journal write what you have learned about the worth of individuals and how your own confidence grows when you build others."

Has anyone read the book Have You Filled A Bucket Today? I still remember reading it in kindergarten, and if you haven't read it, it explains that as we do kind deeds to others, their 'buckets' are filled. When we're unkind to them, the reverse occurs. While it may just be a cute little picture book, it totally reminded me of the concept of this experience! 

Anyone wanting a Ponderize quote, here's this week's!

I ❤ gradients!

See you next Sunday!
Yours Truly, Molly Mormon

Individual Worth 2

"Learn about the importance of patriarchal blessings by studying about them in True to the Faith and recent conference talks. Find out why they are given and who can give them. Discuss with a parent or Church leader how to prepare to receive a patriarchal blessing and how it can teach you of your worth and identity and be a guide throughout your life. If you have not received your blessing, prepare to receive it."

Hint, hint, this New Era article answers all of the questions on the worksheet (and more!) 😉
Wondering when to get your patriarchal blessing? this New Era article provides insight. (But remember that it is very personal and no specific age is perfect for everyone to get it!) It also answers all the questions on the worksheet. Gotta love the New Era!

Have a great week, everyone!
See you next Sunday!
Yours Truly, Molly Mormon

Individual Worth 1

"You are a daughter of Heavenly Father, who knows you and loves you. Read Psalm 8:4–6; Jeremiah 1:5; John 13:34; Doctrine and Covenants 18:10; Abraham 3:22–23; and Joseph Smith—History 1:1–20. Write in your journal how these scriptures teach you that Heavenly Father knows you, loves you, and is mindful of you."

 This is an amazing video by Mormon Channel that truly sums it up, explaining our individual worth perfectly, narrated by Dieter F. Uchtdorf! I love this video so much and just had to share it.

Need a scripture to Ponderize? Here's this week's:

Yours Truly, Molly Mormon