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👉Do you get overwhelmed by your responsibilities in your calling? 👉Do you wish you could have more time for the "fun stuff" that...

Individual Worth 1

"You are a daughter of Heavenly Father, who knows you and loves you. Read Psalm 8:4–6; Jeremiah 1:5; John 13:34; Doctrine and Covenants 18:10; Abraham 3:22–23; and Joseph Smith—History 1:1–20. Write in your journal how these scriptures teach you that Heavenly Father knows you, loves you, and is mindful of you."

 This is an amazing video by Mormon Channel that truly sums it up, explaining our individual worth perfectly, narrated by Dieter F. Uchtdorf! I love this video so much and just had to share it.

Need a scripture to Ponderize? Here's this week's:

Yours Truly, Molly Mormon

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