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february 24 - march 1 -- 2 nephi 26-30 -- a marvelous work & wonder

Write down those words! Aaaah! I was struggling to find a cute and quotable (if I’m not lying, Instagrammable) lil verse for this reading, but then the lesson manual handed this gem right into my own hands!!
Now let’s spend a minute or so talking about exactly what this commandment is all about! 😂🤓✌️
To understand it, let’s rewind to 1 Nephi. He’s all like “I’m writing this stuff down y’all and I don’t super know why, but we’re doing it.” He wasn’t so skeptical about writing his Book of Mormon portion down, it was writing things on the big + small plates.
He made the right choice and did them for a wise purpose, things worked out, God knows all and we can trust in Him, lesson learned, right?
A super common lesson learned and that I hear people saying from this is “journal! Journal journal journal all the day long for your descendants” and I’m like “um have you seen my failed attempts at journaling?”
My journaling notebooks mostly consists of rants about stupid people, ... my own personal *tea* and stuff ... all dated several months (or years) apart. But maybe all the carefully calculated reasons that so and so is stupid aren’t really needed, or “helping any future posterity.”
This verse hints at potential valuable writing prompts: the things that we receive from heaven.
The moment I decided to switch my journaling from random teen girl stupid stuff to a powerful record of spiritual experiences (titled the “small plates”) things changed. I had a witness of the spirit of the life, that I was able to add to much more often.
This quote stares me in the face every weekday in the wee hours of the morning, on the cover of my seminary journal, so yeah, it’s internalized.
“Knowledge carefully recorded is knowledge available in time of need. Spiritually sensitive information should be kept in a sacred place that communicates to the Lord how you treasure it. That practice enhances the likelihood of you receiving further light.” -Richard G. Scott
And that concept is what the verse reinforces! Write down things the Spirit reveals to you and “remember, remember” spiritual experiences you have had.

Get the printable for this week for free, over here!

february 17 - 23 -- 2 nephi 11-25 -- we rejoice in Christ

This is a verse that I have so anticipated to letter! These beautiful words..
We talk of Christ.
We rejoice in Christ.
We preach of Christ.
We prophesy of Christ.
His name is in our Church’s name.
His picture is all over our places of worship.
He loves us and we love Him.
Yes, the Church of Jesus Christ is different than many other Christian churches. But let’s focus on the doctrine and core belief that we share: Jesus.

Get the printable for this week here!

february 10 - 16 -- 2 nephi 6-10 -- o how great the plan of our God!

Another week of Come, Follow Me. Yeah, we may only be 2 books in, but I can already see all the amazing and life changing blessings of regular Book of Mormon study.

Sometimes my favorite, quotable, "letterable" verse from the reading aligns with the curriculum creators' "favorite verse" that the reading, sometimes it doesn't. This time, I *choose* to letter 2 Nephi 10:23.

We are free to choose! It’s a great when we can do whatever we want, be in charge of our own selves. But then it gets tough when people use their agency to make choices that don’t perfectly align with our perfect plans on How Things Should Go.
Part of life is realizing that we aren’t all powerful, and we can’t control others’ choices. Of course we can influence them, but their agency belongs to them. As we respect this we see how God respects agency as well.
And that’s a message of this verse. Cheer up! Make a decision. You are free to choose.
Check out the Church's Book of Mormon video covering this topic below!

Get the printable for this by clicking here!

yw come, follow me -- how can temples bless my life?

This is it! I am actually teaching this lesson in young women's! So crazy. Thankfully, I know I already have this printable to anchor the lesson and make stuff cute and get stuff going. And I can now share it with y'all!

You can get this printable as an 8.5 x 11 by printing from Google Drive, here. I hope you enjoy this pretty temple! If you like temples, you'll love this YW bulletin board that has recently come out.

Best of luck with everyone's lessons! If you love our free lesson printables, you can follow us on Pinterest and Instagram!

february 3 - 9 -- 2 nephi 1-5 -- "we lived after the manner of happiness"

Men are that they might have joy. Sometimes it’s hard not to have joy, when things are going right, but other times, as we look up through the blur of tears, it begs the question, “if all of this is happening, are You really there?”
But we always have the opportunity to choose joy.
President Nelson said, “The joy we feel has little to do with the circumstances of our lives and everything to do with the focus of our lives.
When the focus of our lives is on God’s plan of salvation … and Jesus Christ and His gospel, we can feel joy regardless of what is happening—or not happening—in our lives. Joy comes from and because of Him. … For Latter-day Saints, Jesus Christ is joy!”
We won’t always feel joy. As we experience “opposition in all things” during this life, and as we saw in the movie “Inside Out” we don’t want or need to be happy all the time.
But when we want to look up and smile with joy, a reason is there. He is always there.
Jesus Christ is joy! And I am so grateful for His sacrifice and all He did for us.

Find the printable for this by clicking here!

#generalconference: a history in quotes

Every year, we have the opportunity to hear the voice of the Lord. Gain revelation for our lives. Literally watch history being written as Prophets and leaders share what God wands us to hear today.

From these events, we have an oral history, a representation of God's response and care to what is happening around us in these last days. He watches over us. We are so blessed to know where to turn for direction and peace: to Him and His words. 🕯


One Word: Prepare

We had thought the pandemic would be a blip on the radar, but here we were at an all virtual session again. Church leaders brought messages of reminders about the Second Coming, urged us to root out racism, and the conference ended with President Nelson's iconic address telling us to "Let God Prevail."

APRIL 2020

One Word: Unforgettable

Nothing was more disorienting than experiencing the confusion and signs of the times during the beginning of COVID-19. 🦠 The messages delivered shined bright against the darkness of fear and showed brought to life the scripture that says "In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world" (John 16:33).


One Word: Change

So many inspired changes happened that it was hard for us to keep up! Here I lettered just a few of them from the uplifting Women's Session.

Before I sign off, I want to make sure you know this is NOT the only resource I have to make your life easier as a busy Latter-Day Saint! To see & have all my free resources at your fingertips, follow me on Pinterest! 📌

página de apuntes para la conferencia general

Aquí es una página chévere para apuntes de conferencia general. ¡También tiene apuntes de ejemplo para mostrarte cómo usarlo en tu propio camino!

Usa el menu en la parte superior para hacer un seguimiento de tiempo.

¿Eres artístic@? Si te encanta bosquejar los discursantes para practicar retratos y dejar las manos ocupadas, use el espacio aquí y pon una leyenda al bosquejo con su nombre. 

Si no tienes habilidad de dibujar, ¡no te preocupes! Escribe el nombre del discursante en el espacio y hacer un título del discurso en la línea. 

¡Y el espacio de notas! Anota ideas, inspiración, desafíos, doodles, todo lo que que te ayuda.

Si vas hacerlas en letras de mano, compartirlas en Insta, o aplicarlas en su vida: aquí es donde escribir frases asombrosas. 

Por fin, añade etiquetas con temas en las mensajes. 


¿List@ para el enlace? Antes de dejo, quiero recordarte que ¡este NO es el único recurso que tengo en español para ayudarte como un Sant@ de los Últimos Días ocupad@! ¡Sígueme en Pinterest y vete a este tablero para encontrar los demás! Y ahora. El enlace para ti. 

¡Adiosito! ❤️❤️ ¡Besitos!