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lds christmas quote #4 -- christmas story

Hey, y’all. I am here with another quote for CHRISTMAS! Whoop whoop! Just loving this holiday season, and how this adorable quote ended up turning out.
This is such a beautiful quote, y’all, and it reminds us about love, the prime motivator of everything God does for us.
He teaches and leads with love, not Pharisaical contempt and judgment.
Out of love, He gave us the commandments and guidelines that keep us safe.
We love Him because He first loved us, and knows us — all our faults, quirks, temptations and issues — and loves us anyway.
But this is maybe a pretty big final reason that Christmas is all about love. You know y’all know John 3:16.
“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”
It’s almost like sending a child of yours into a dangerous mission, hoping they don’t die.
Heavenly Father sent His Son Jesus, to die, atone for our sins, and save us all.
The first part of the Christmas miracle is the beautiful knowledge that Heavenly Father sent the Savior, to condescend (which means to dwell below usual conditions, not to be condescending as we usually think of it, I’ve learned) to our level, to have our bodies and our trials and live in our fallen world, with sickness, trial, evil, and death.
He knew He was sending His Son to be hated, scourged, humiliated, persecuted, bullied, and ultimately, betrayed and unjustly put to an agonizing death as He was crucified for us all.
But ultimately, it didn’t just happen. It was a choice. It wasn’t even Jesus saying “I will go and do” (which is no less noble at all) but Him saying “Father, send I” as He volunteered to be the Savior, and later saying “Thy will be done” before the Atonement, an unimaginable sacrifice and experience. And why? Because our Savior loves us.
It was Heavenly Father’s choice as well, to let Him go, let His son go to Earth despite knowing everything that would befall Him there.
But then again, the birth of Christ would mean nothing if He didn’t go on to live, faithfully accepting His mortal mission, “growing in wisdom, favor with God, favor with man” and obediently following His Father through His mortal reign and ministry.
John 15:13 says, “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.”
We celebrate not just that He was born, but that He is the Savior, and through His sacrifice, we can have eternal life. And that is the joy of this season.

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