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lds Christmas quote #3 - He is the center of it all

I love this quote, especially how it alludes to the true reason we celebrate Christmas. A lot of things have been added, but it when you strip all of that away, it is about Him. 

I love taking things and relating them to the gospel! Here are some symbols that you wouldn’t think of as being religious, accompanied with their tie ins. 

1. Candy Cane
“Look at the candy cane. What do you see? Stripes that are red, like the blood shed for me. White is for my Savior, sinless and pure. ‘J’ is for Jesus, my Lord, that’s for sure! Turn it around and a staff you’ll see. Jesus is my Shepherd, was born for me.”

Ok. I kind of hate that poem, but it does prove the point! The reason I strongly dislike it is that the grammar is all over the place... you can’t just say, “is my Shepherd, was born for me.” And 50K people have made their own little printables without giving any credit to whoever wrote it ... whoever it was... but it’s fine. I shall calmly contain my rage! 😇

The candy cane looks similar to a shepherd’s staff, reminding us of the Savior this holiday is all about. He is the good shepherd because He will - and does - leave the 99 to find the 1, pick us up on His shoulders and safely carry us home. I made a gift idea about it here.

2. Elves

“I’m part of prep and landing, an elite unit of elves getting houses ready, around the world, for the big guy’s arrival.” 

Y’all! Have you seen Prep and Landing? It is SUCH a gospel metaphor, and the plot is sooo similar to “The Best Two Years.” If you haven’t seen either one, stay with me.

There are two elves - Wayne and Lenny - in this movie. Lenny is an excited newcomer, but he’s dumb (“This isn’t the language they taught me at the MTC!” Right?) Wayne is tired of his job. (Lenny: Don’t you even care? Wayne: I’ve been working Prep and Landing 227 years. Believe me, the thrill is gone.”) He’s been out in the field for the while! And his responsibility has lost its spark.

But through an experience he realizes why they do what they do, the Christmas spirit returns, and he joyfully returns to his noble duties. I love both of these movies sooo much!

3. Christmas cookies

“Everyone is kneaded out of the same dough but not baked in the same oven." 
— Yiddish proverb

So how is she gonna tie this one in? hahaha just you wait. Ok. 

So there’s the dough, and what do you do with it next? You roll it out and then cut out the cookies.

Jeremiah 18:6 tells us, “Behold, as the clay is in the potter’s hand, so are ye in mine hand.” While the Lord is specifically talking to the House of Israel here, that doesn’t mean that it doesn’t apply to us as a metaphor. 

He is in the details in our lives, and the circumstances we are given, these refiners fires, allow us to grow closer to God and what, who He wants us to become.

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