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👉Do you get overwhelmed by your responsibilities in your calling? 👉Do you wish you could have more time for the "fun stuff" that...

fourth of july

Time to break out the fireworks & fun & let freedom ring! Celebrate the 4th w your church groups using these prints.

These four quotes remind us of the principles of liberty & justice behind this holiday! Use them as handouts or decor. 

Need a treat tag? Check out this patriotic pretty printable & gift it to those whom to you minister. 

I hope you have an awesome holiday & that these prints help. 🇺🇸 I’m proud to be an American & in a global church. Sometimes it seems like those are different, but the principles of justice & patriotism we celebrate on these holidays apply to everyone. I’m glad to highlight these here in my country today! 


👉 Before I sign off, I just want to make sure you know this is NOT the only resource I have to make your life easier as a busy Latter-Day Saint! To see & have all my free resources at your fingertips, follow me on Pinterest! 📌

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