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👉Do you get overwhelmed by your responsibilities in your calling? 👉Do you wish you could have more time for the "fun stuff" that...

may 11–17 -- mosiah 18–24 -- we have entered into a covenant with Him

hey hey y'all! this is another week of come follow me, wahoo I'm so excited. And all of these verses 🤩🤩🤩

This scripture has probably been one of the easiest to memorize. You know - reciting it with your churchies every week for four straight years will do the trick! I'm so glad it is still part of our *updated* young womens' theme and that I was able to letter it for y'all this week!

As I lettered what I remembered of the theme, I realized that the pronouns were slightly modified from the actual scripture verse. For this reason, I made two quotes for this week.

 one with the exact scripture wording....

 one with a more personalized approach like is in the new YW theme...

Ok and the printables for Mosiah are finally finished! You can get all the printables for the verses we studied right here.

Enjoy your Sunday! Follow me on Pinterest and Insta for more LDS quotes and printables!


  1. Hi! I love this, but noticed that the picture says "Stand as witnesses of God at AND times and in all things and in all places:

    1. Oh my goodness! You are so right. That is too funny! 🤣 Now it is fixed.
