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👉Do you get overwhelmed by your responsibilities in your calling? 👉Do you wish you could have more time for the "fun stuff" that...

June 1–7 -- Alma 5–7 -- “Have Ye Experienced This Mighty Change in Your Hearts?”

alma 5 is definitely iconic hahaha, but the statement that stood out to me the most was "have ye received his image in your countenance?" Are you just so happy and loving and good that people can see that smile and tell that there's something different about you? Or that the Israeli government has to be like "What are we going to do about the light in their eye??" 

lol. which is why I've lettered this verse. Enjoy!

if you love gospel freebies, follow me on Insta and Pinterest and be on the lookout for the printout for this verse coming soon!

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