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our most recent most amazing yw activity!

mutual last week was such a party omigosh!🥳😂

hahaha ok, for the LONGEST time our mutual activities were not the greatest. My silence about them on the blog pretty much might have been me saying "uh, yeah, there was pretty much nothing to blog about without ranting" but finally, an amazing activity has occurred.

But this activity didn't just fall out of the sky. We did have to do a lot of planning and work in advance, but finally, we were able to hold such an amazing and unifying activity.

I won't go into specifics about our ward, but I'm a Young Woman, I've visited lots of wards, I'm in one, and I think soooo many of us are longing for more unity. I see this as the Lord has prompted revelation, and we saw President Nelson delegate the announcement of "bye-bye" to Beehives, Mia Maids,+Laurels to Sister Cordon.

 All of these inspired changes are amazing. And in my completely biased opinion, this activity is amazing! But, there is no one-time fix where everyone starts holding hands, singing kum ba yah, and never is cliqueish again. The perfect YW group wasn't built in a day! If I claimed this packet solved everything, maybe I'd be a better marketer but I'd be a liar as well. 

Even though I won't claim that with the purchase of this amazing activity, all about unity, and diversity, every issue will be gone, I will honestly say that doing this activity was a great step on the path to unity. 

Aaagh, I'm sorry, and I hope y'all don't think I'm just riding on the tail of the buzzword, but I have to keep saying it because in honesty, that's what this activity is about!

The outline of this is for the Young Women to learn about themselves and others, notice the differences between themselves and others, and celebrate them. One of the steps in this was the Princess Posters. No one's unique personality can ever be captured in the Myers-Briggs 4 letters, but it's an easy way to talk about the different types of people in the world. 

So, I made a Princess poster for each one. All of these princesses are so fun and amazing, and that's the point. There simply isn't a bad personality type. 

I know it's a lil hard to see; I apologize, but do you see this in all its glory? We had so much fun taking Post-It notes and slapping them under our personality types and it was so eye-opening to see the diversity (or lack thereof hehehehe) of personalities in the group.

We had 1 Campaigner, 1 Adventurer, 1 Architect, 2 Advocates....and everyone else was a Defender!

Additionally, we rounded up and planned a bunch of activities to go with the results of the personality tests. There's enough to get you through the 1-hour block of "youth activity night" (still shaking off the death of mutual😂) but not so much that you get overwhelmed.

There's scenario cards about certain church situations -- lessons, activities, dances, girls camp, and more. All these questions are designed to help you learn more about the YW and what makes them tick, especially in certain situations. We had some good discussions on those.

Others involve talking & learning about others, walking around the room, and really, there's just a lot of good lessons to be learned from this.

One of this was that I was so surprised when my close friend slapped her Post-It under Introvert. We're opposites, it seems like, and she is super outgoing, and I just assumed she would be an Extravert. Maybe she answered some questions wrong, I thought to myself. Everyone else in the group continued talking about their results, how accurate they seemed to be, etc, and then one of my leaders said, "I was shocked that YOU weren't an extravert."

I was shocked at her shock tbh hahahaha, and then I realized that if my leader could be so wrong about my true personality, then of course I may be prone to misjudge what others are really like.

This was just one lesson that I learned, but there are really so many more opportunities to discover these types of things in this activity.

You can check out this activity packet on my Etsy shop and grab it for only $3.99. We spent a few weeks planning and creating the material, so y'all can know you're getting the maximum value with your purchase.

If you're wanting to support the blog & what we do for free, be sure to favorite the shop on Etsy or follow us on Pinterest. And don't worry -- there are tons more mutual ideas (dang it I said it again!) freebies on the blog, which you can find the biggest comprehensive list of here.

That was just so fun to create & host, and I'm beyond excited to share it with the world.

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