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Those Two-Week Long Experiences

Is it just me? I feel like it's especially difficult to accomplish the two week experiences. I'll forget -- "Oh, yes, of course I'll be a peacemaker." "ANNALIESE, SHUT UP!" -- feel bad, and say that I'll redo it starting today... repeat this cycle, and you have the reason all of my one-day experiences are completed and a bunch of two-week ones still loom over me. 
But these two-week ones are important. They put your Personal Progress into action, into your everyday life. And you -- and I -- can complete them. With help. Here are five tips to completing those really long two week experiences.

1. Use these two-week trackers.
I've also made some two-week trackers, which you can get here. I like them because they get you into the practice of, at night, reflecting on your day and crossing off what you've been able to do.

2. Use these two-week journals.
While you're reflecting on your day, why not journal about it? This is what you see at the top of the post, and I like how it will make you think about specific choices you made to better yourself in your Personal Progress. Here are the ones to use below. If you'd like a black and white one, that goes along with Faith.

Standard Two-Week Journal
Faith Two-Week Journal
Divine Nature Two-Week Journal
Individual Worth Two-Week Journal
Knowledge Two-Week Journal
Choice and Accountability Two-Week Journal
Good Works Two-Week Journal
Integrity Two-Week Journal

and... Virtue doesn't have any two week experiences! Yessss, Virtue! Ilysm.

3. Utilize reminders.
Using reminders is just a life skill. I use them for lots of other things, but one is Personal Progress. I will sit down every six months or so and set a Personal Progress goal. Then I will plan when to do each experience to reach my goal, and turn on reminders so that I actually do them. They'll pop up on my phone, and problem solved! Unless, of course, like with Insta notifications, you just slide to the right and dismiss them. Do not, under any circumstances, say that you have done what you need to do unless you have actually done it. That sounded a lot less cooler than it did in my head... If you say you're going to do Knowledge 5, sit down, do it, and then mark it off. Just saying, it feels good.

4. Utilize your wall.
Maybe it’s a door, mirror, or bulletin board. While digital reminders help, it’s great to have visual
reminders. Find a space you will look at everyday. For me, it’s the wall across from my bed. When I have a two week PP experience I'm doing, I will print the worksheet and trackers out and hang them up with washi tape. While I’m working on them, it’s a great reminder!

5. Team up!
The more the merrier, right? Team up with some of your YW friends, or even your mom or leaders, and do those two week experiences together. Text each other and ask about how their experience working on _______ is going! You can do it -- together -- and celebrate your success -- together.

Hope that helps.
Yours Truly,
Molly Mormon

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