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Monthly Mutual: Scripture Bags for Girls Camp

It's the simple things! This Monthly Mutual activity is super easy to pull off and we made them so we could have bags to bring our scriptures to Girl's Camp.

It was just a class activity, and all we needed were canvas bags and fabric paint and markers. If anyone wanted to bring in something to decorate with, they were allowed to, of course!

We then decorated them and put on some good music, and that was it!

This isn't one of my big, blowout, super complicated and amazing activities that takes preparation up to weeks in advance. No, it's just a fun little activity that is easy to do, and I share it in case you need or want activities just like that.

Here is my finished one:

My hardcover scriptures and Personal Progress book all fit inside, and I could even put in my Book of Mormon study guide* in if I wanted!

Yours Truly,
Molly Mormon

*NOT an affiliate link, just a product I use and want to share.

** You can also do this as an Activity Days activity, just substitute the PP book for the Faith in God manual. Good luck! **

P.S. There will be one more Monthly Mutual post this month: Girls Camp Secret Sister gifts! Coming soon.

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