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Fall Personal Progress

My birthday is in September, Halloween is in October, and in November we have Thanksgiving, so it's like a non-stop party this time of year. And then we get to Christmas....!!! But that's in winter. So now we're focusing on autumn.

As summer wrapped up, I thought, huh, Summer Personal Progress was fun. I set a goal to finish the Personal Progress Program, and... I did! I really love goal-setting Personal Progress because instead of just forcing the YW to meet a group ideal (5 value experiences each, bleh bleh, bleh) it focuses on the YOUNG WOMEN, their PERSONAL progress, and what THEY want to get done!!

Then I had an idea. What if we don't just try and do Personal Progress when school's out? We can do it all year long!!! 

That is the story of the above product that has been released.

It's exactly the same as the Summer one, except for a new, amazing autumn color palette. And hopefully, when you fill out the tracker this time, you'll have some new things checked off. (Yes, I know I put too many spots in Virtue... I just write "NOPE!" in those spaces.) 

You can get this amazing goal-setting program for free here, and good luck on your Fall Personal Progress.

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Yours Truly,
Molly Mormon

P.S. If you are a 12-year-old Beehive wanting to complete Personal Progress before it ends, you have 6 seasons to complete 48 experiences and 8 projects. I would suggest using the formula of 8 experiences a season, and 1 project a season, doing more projects in the summer. If you do 8 experiences a season, that’s 2-3 each month. 

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